Diversity At It's Best - Harmony Day

Harmony Day is a day of reflection at our College! It is a special day as we recognise and celebrate our cultural diversity, inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.

The day starts with a morning Harmony Day assembly where parents are invited.  The Principal and Vice Principal will reiterate how a harmonious environment is most crucial in our school environment. 

The College will have a special message from our Deputy Principal, Sheikh Yahya on the Islamic perspective of what harmony means in Islam.

The assembly hall will be a myrid of colours as students and staff proudly dorn their cultural costumes, bringing to light unity in diversity.

There will be class presentations from a few classes who wish to showcase their performance reflecting their interpretation of harmony.  Staffs normally perform through, singing in different languages, or recite poetry in multi-languages.

Other times a few guests’ speakers have been invited to share their perspective of living harmoniously in Australia.

One such guest is the Mr Dawson from the Koomurri Aboriginal Incursions who shares with the College his culture and values.

The rest of the day continues with in-class activities depicting harmony.

The College ends the Harmony week with a Friday Harmony Sermon for our Jumuah prayer, normally conducted by Sh Yahya Ibrahim.